Patience finally paid off and we finally adopted a cat. I have been wanting to do this for almost a year now but something always seemed to happen and the arrangements would fall through. This handsome fella was my last attempt a few weeks ago and since I had not heard anything I figured this person either changed her mind or gave the cat to someone else. With the holidays and her work schedule she said time was running out as her lease was up and she had to find Cheetah a good home before the end of the month. She finally called on Thursday evening. We made arrangements to both go look at the cat to see what his temperament was like. The owner was happy that Cheetah actually was good with us because she said he didn't just take to everyone. We had to make a quick stop at the local Pet Smart to get a cat carrier and a litter box. I could finally unload the kitty litter and container of food I had stashed in my trunk for weeks now.
Once we got home and let him out of the carrier, he went up the stairs and straight under the bed where he remained until we turned in for the night. At that time he decided to jump up on the bed and settle down by my feet curling up and purring himself to sleep. He stayed in the same spot all night and then got up to eat a couple of bites of food. He checked out his new litter box and then headed right back under the bed where he spent most of Saturday. Once in a while he would come out for a petting and then head back under. When it was time for bed Saturday night Cheetah was already warming in his spot at the foot of the bed purring loudly.

He got up around 4am to have a bite to eat and a drink, then came back to his spot on the bed. About 7 am he ventured out of the bedroom and down the hall to see what was making the noise in the kitchen. A couple of times he ran to the bedroom but stopped in the doorway and peered down the hall. Most of the afternoon was spent curled up asleep in the chair in the rec room. I think he is missing his old family and is going to need lots of love and patience adjusting to his new home. I snapped a couple of photos of him on Saturday during one of his brave moments as he stared up at the lens.
He reminds me of Puss 'n Boots from the movie "Shrek" in this photo.
Congratulations, whatta beauty he is! I see the Puss in Boots resemblance, does he sound like Antonio Banderas when he meows? ;-)
His colouring is lovely and I adore his name, may you share many happy moments and may he have more than nine lives, felicidades!
CancunCanuck - He does have a very distinctive "meow", not a squeak like a regular cat and not at all like a Siamese. Hard to describe the sound....loud like a Siamese, but higher and very smooth (like Antonio Banderas) ;-)
Good job, glad to see you finally got your kitty!
RiverGirl - We are still thinking about getting a second kitty to keep Cheetah company while we are at work. The place where we adopted Cheetah still has his 1-1/2 year old son that needs a home as well. He is part Bengal and part Siamese(mom)and is all black. I really wanted to adopt a Mexican cat but I'm torn as to which way to go since these two have been together since day one.
That cat is GORGEOUS! What a great pic of him!
My Way - Thanks! That's the new guy in my life. Bengals like to climb and he is doing plenty of that now that he's settling in.
He totally looks like "Puss n'Boots" - he's adorable!
Jane - Hi! Thanks I think he's adorable but then I'm his I can overlook all his faults. He has only had this look a few times in the 5 months since he has come to live with me. I call it his "poor me" pity look!
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