Now that summer will be soon winding down here in southern Ontario....WAIT! Summer never came so how can it go? The summer that never was...this is the weatherman's never ending comments these days and I agree I can count the hot days on my fingers and toes that we had this year. I have 1 trip already booked to travel to the Caribbean this fall and a second one in the works. So THERE summer! Stick that where the sun don't shine! Bitter? You bet. I hate winter, always have and the hate seems to grow a bit more every year.
Ok enough venting, ranting, whatever you want to call it.
I was reading a blog I came across the other day that had a really cool concept. So I'm thinking I'm going to try the same thing. The idea is to post 1 photo everyday for 1 year of whatever I happen to take a picture of, but it has to be that day. I can't cheat. I may wait a couple of days before I upload my photos but they must be taken on the actual day. This will be a really good way to force me to take my camera out more and shoot. Sometimes I get a bit nervous about dragging it around as it is a bit obvious and doesn't just slip into my pocket or purse. I have to say upfront that during the winter months I try to only go out if I have to, otherwise it's called hibernation in my book. Those photo days my end up being a shot of my cat or me looking outside at an ugly weather situation.
I have decided that a good day to start this 1 year project will be Wednesday of this week, September 9th as it is my birthday. Good a day as any to start something new, I think. This will be the 9th day of the 9th month of the year 2009. I will be buying a lottery ticket that day, as I have always felt that 9 was my lucky number.
Wish me luck!
I promise to only post photos taken by me. My cat has taken over my laptop at times but I draw the line with my camera....paws off!