Well so much for Wiarton Willie's predictions. If he knows what's good for him he will stay in his burrow and not show his white furry little face for a while.
I heard there is a lynch mob looking for him as I type. The storm started last evening and it's only getting worse at the day goes on. They say it's supposed to snow for about 36 hours. How many hours? Thunder & lightning too? They are forecasting 35 to 50cm (14 to 20 inches) with drifting & whiteouts.
Well enough of that. Who is "They" any ways......
Due to my weather woes I have been diligently checking online for a decent price to fly to Mexico. If I had my way I would be there already, but you see, I have this thing called a job/career to consider. I have already suggested to the company that we need to open an office in Cancun. Not happening. Ok well I can work from home right? What's the difference I ask....do you care where I live? Pleeeeeeease? Quit your grovelling, get off your knees and let go of my ankle...... Not happening.
Ok so back to my online search. I want to stretch this trip out as long as I can so I figure if I leave on oh..... say a Friday and come back on a Sunday I could get a 17 day vacation out of all of this. Now if I can just get the boss to OK it on Monday, I'll book it before he has a chance to change his mind. I will explain to him.....I have people to see.... places to go... photos to take... margaritas to drink....
.......he will have to understand after all, I let him go on his 17 day cruise last month!