Friday, April 17, 2009


… now see what you did!

Not that he is a fat cat, but he is determined. I was on the phone with my sister when this all unfolded right before my eyes. Cheetah jumped on to the end table and decided he was going to park his little butt between the lamp and my Aloe Vera plant. There was about 6 inches of space so as he sat the plant started to slide, giving him a bit more room for him to squeeze into. One last shove and over the plant went. I have to confess that if I didn’t neglect my plants so bad he may have had a harder time of shoving it over. When the plant toppled I realized that the soil was as dry as a dust storm in the Sahara. Cheetah took one look at me, jumped down and went into stealth mode, slinking out of the room. I had to get off the phone to go get the camera, as I knew curiosity killed the cat and he would be back shortly to survey the damage.

Cats are so predictable. I didn’t yell at him, as it didn’t appear that he did it on purpose, but cats can be sneaky. Cheetah’s character is a bit different than any cat I have ever lived with in the past as he has quite the opposite in your face kind of personality once he gets to know you. So a few minutes pass and he slowly enters the room switching to stealth mode low to the floor. He cautiously returns to the scene of the crime, sniffing and surveying from every angle. Finally when he figured it was a lost cause he jumped onto his scratching post perch and viewed the whole scene from a higher vantage point.

I cleaned up the remains of the Aloe Vera that needed to be re-potted for a while so now I have one less thing on my to do list tomorrow……
Cheetah, please remind me to water the plants .......