Sunday, September 7, 2008

To Bee or not to Bee......

I hate this time of year. I’ll be another year older, and it means the cooler fall weather is just around the corner. The end of summer, what summer, I ask? We had two whole weekends when it didn’t rain either Saturday or Sunday, or both. After the rain stopped this afternoon I went out with my camera to see what I could find to shoot. There seems to be a lot of activity in the bee society. They seem to be camera shy These little winged creepy creatures are right up there at the top of my eeew list along with spiders and centipedes. Now if I were still in Mexico my list would be on a much grander scale. Lets see, tarantulas, and scorpions would probably top my tropical list. I actually had a gecko that lived behind a rather large tacky painting that hung on the living room wall of my condo once. Her name was Henrietta and I remember the night she brought all her little babies out for me to see for the first time. My roommates were not so thrilled about the event. Maybe it was because I woke them out of a dead sleep to give them the news. I assured them the next day that our ant
problem was over. After all, with a dozen geckos around now how could we possibly have any ant dare to cross the room to get to the food in the kitchen?

Oh ya where was I? …Bees…. that’s right I used to have a great fear of them when I was younger. I was stung on many occasions in my life and at one time thought that all bees were out to get me. Call it bad luck but I even found out that dead bees could sting you. If it wasn’t dead then it was doing a great imitation of the dead man float in our kiddie pool. Got me on my thigh when I wasn’t looking.
Then there was the time at my grandfather’s house. He had one of those old stone houses with a grand front porch with rockers and even an old couch to sit on. My sister was very young at the time and her feet didn’t reach the floor as she sat on the couch swinging her feet back and forth. Unbeknownst to even grandpa she kicked a bee’s nest that was hidden under the couch. Out came a swarm of bees and yes you guessed it, they came straight after me. I started to run across the yard, with my grandpa chasing me. I seem to recall someone turned on the hose to try and ward the little buggers off. I think we ended up with half a dozen stings each and drenched clothes. I always thought it must have looked like some comedy skit to someone that was unaware of the whole goings on. My sister was too young to realize what she had even done. I should ask her some day if a bee has ever stung her.

I think I will give her a call………