Well it’s been two weeks since we adopted Cheetah, so I just thought I would let you know how he is doing. It only took him a couple of days before he was quite content to settle on my lap any chance he got. Right now he is trying to take over my chair at the computer. Next he will be posting on my blog! Most waking hours are spent exploring every nook and cranny that needed to be sniffed out. He always has to have the last say and can be very demanding and vocal at times. He definitely has some quirky habits for a cat. First thing in the morning he waits quietly for me to wake up. Content to be curled up at my feet, he doesn’t make a sound until I greet him first. Then he makes a mad dash to the bathroom where he leaps onto the counter, slides across to the sink and takes out my vitamin bottles along the way. Then he very loudly tells me
to turn on the tap for him. If I don’t, he literally gets in my face and screams his demands. I go down to the kitchen to retrieve my coffee and if I didn’t turn on the tap in the bathroom he has raced me to the kitchen only to be waiting in the kitchen sink vocalizing his demands. Now I have never tolerated cats on the counter in a kitchen but he obviously was not taught any different in his previous home. I can tell he is not after food and only jumps up to ask for a drink or to look out the window at the neighbours dog with great curiosity.

He has this thing for doors. Like most cats, if the door is closed he wants to open it. Most of our closet doors are either bi-folding or have magnetic closures on the top. So with a bit of claw magic the doors eventually come open. Except for the bedroom closet. Try as he might he hasn’t mastered that one, yet. I just wish it didn’t make so much noise banging back and forth as it stops at the carpet edge only to bang closed again. The cat will be almost standing on his head trying every angle to get his paw under to pull. Which brings me to another door in the house. This one actually has to open out away from you. He somehow knows that if he plants his forehead against the
door and pushes that it will open. How the heck does a cat know the difference? It’s not like he shoves his little head against the bedroom closet when he can’t get that one to open.

….he’s got game….