Monday, September 29, 2008

Graffiti Ghost

The current assignment for my camera club this month was Graffiti. I spent an afternoon driving around the city looking for some decent graffiti to photograph. Don’t get me wrong, I found plenty of graffiti tagging, just not much I would regard as the least bit artistic. You don’t have to look very hard to see a ton of defaced buildings and mailboxes around town. The artist (I use this term loosely) should be caught, held down and spray-painted all over. Let them go home and to school the next day and have to explain why their face is green and their arms are painted blue & red. Let them have their property ruined and see what it feels like. They can wear pants with spray painted badly spelled tags all over them.
There does happen to be a few very interesting painted walls around that actually show some talent. Now if it could just be channelled into something more useful. I parked my car in a multi-level lot downtown and decided to park right at the top only it wasn’t quite at the top. Once I got my gear together I walked up to the rooftop. The city took on a very different perspective from this bird’s eye perch. I don’t think that this pink ghostly graffiti can be seen from any other angle but for this parking garage.

Unless it continued in the alley down below……