Saturday, March 8, 2008

It's snowing Cats & Dogs!

Well so much for Wiarton Willie's predictions. If he knows what's good for him he will stay in his burrow and not show his white furry little face for a while.
I heard there is a lynch mob looking for him as I type. The storm started last evening and it's only getting worse at the day goes on. They say it's supposed to snow for about 36 hours. How many hours? Thunder & lightning too? They are forecasting 35 to 50cm (14 to 20 inches) with drifting & whiteouts.

Well enough of that. Who is "They" any ways......
Due to my weather woes I have been diligently checking online for a decent price to fly to Mexico. If I had my way I would be there already, but you see, I have this thing called a job/career to consider. I have already suggested to the company that we need to open an office in Cancun. Not happening. Ok well I can work from home right? What's the difference I you care where I live? Pleeeeeeease? Quit your grovelling, get off your knees and let go of my ankle...... Not happening.

Ok so back to my online search. I want to stretch this trip out as long as I can so I figure if I leave on oh..... say a Friday and come back on a Sunday I could get a 17 day vacation out of all of this. Now if I can just get the boss to OK it on Monday, I'll book it before he has a chance to change his mind. I will explain to him.....I have people to see.... places to go... photos to take... margaritas to drink....

.......he will have to understand after all, I let him go on his 17 day cruise last month!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Cats Prefer Rain Over Snow Any Day

At least this one does at the moment. Today was really mild, causing a major meltdown everywhere I was trying to walk. Could this mean that spring is on its way? I mean after all it's been 4 weeks already since those 6 robins descended into my magnolia tree. I can't remember seeing that many robins all together at the same time so early in the year. Maybe Wiarton Willie really does know his stuff. After all he promised an early spring. Willie is the Canadian version of Punxsutawney Phil the groundhog for those of you south of the 49th.
At this time of the year the rain helps to wash away some of the winter grey that seems to have dusted everything outside including my car.
I can hardly wait for the spring flowers to start poking through the ground, even if they still may have to fight to get through the crusty leftover snow.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

This Cat sees in almost black & White

I call it Almost Black & White Photography.

Lately I've noticed a trend in the way my final prints seem to always end up. I guess you could sort of say this is turning out to be my trademark in photography of sorts.

I photograph what pleases me when it comes to my photos, unless of course it's for a client. Then it goes without saying that the customer has the last say. I think what pleases me the most is the fact that almost all of my work is done for the pleasure of the person that is given the photographs in the end. After all it is still my hobby at this point and one I am growing to love more each day.

I was staying with a friend in Cozumel about 3 years ago and noticed this cat that kept hanging around our door. Not for our company but for the chance to salivate over the pigeon that seemed to always be perched just out of her reach on an A/C unit nearby. She was a very beautiful Tabby Point Siamese with only one thing in mind.....that darned pigeon.