Saturday, July 26, 2008

And The Cat Came Back.........

….well sort of.

I returned from what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation from Mexico only to have my whole life caught up in a tornado of emotions and everything spiralling out of control.
I figured if I didn’t get to my blog again soon I would be so overwhelmed that I might never come back. So here I am sitting at my computer wondering where to begin.

I think everyone has wondered about the “BAD Penny” and almost given up on how that story went. Seems like the logical place to start.

First, a bit more background to help you understand why I had to do what I did.

My father in-law was living with a woman that the rest of the family didn’t approve of at all. But as kids we can hardly tell a parent how they should live their life. After all when did we ever listen to them? We figured if that’s what made him happy then so be it. It was hard though, watching her isolate him more and more from all of us, to the point of no longer seeing him even on special occasions such as Christmas or birthdays. Then the unthinkable happened. On the 23rd of December 1 ½ years ago I got a phone call from the BFH. We now refer to her as the Bitch From Hell. She told me she thought my father in-law was having a stroke. I asked her if she called 911 and she replied no. I told her to hang up the phone and dial 911 and to call me back after she did so. From this point on things really began to unravel. In a nutshell, she was expecting him to die, so she tore the house inside out looking for money or any other valuables. She spent the next month packing up and throwing out all his possessions. She shredded all his important documents, including income tax papers. I could go on and on but what it boiled down to was we were on to her game and he wasn’t about to die. A few months later we found out that her plan was to hang around and try to bleed him dry as long as she could. With out typing a novel on the whole sordid mess, take my word for it when I say, she deserved the BAD Penny.

Everything went as planned. I took the penny for a ride one morning. Driving with great care, not changing lanes and keeping to the speed limit. On my lunch break I took a stroll by my father in-laws place a couple of blocks from my office with the penny along for the ride in my pocket.
I nonchalantly snuck up the side drive and carefully placed the penny on the ground right beside the BFH’s (Bitch from Hell) drivers side door of her pickup truck. I went back to work grinning inside, knowing the seed (penny) had been planted.
I know for a fact that she found it and put it in her pocket…an eyewitness reporter informed me first hand. Apparently she made a big deal about finding a nice shiny penny.
Now the wait…. So I went to Mexico for this part…not really, I was already going there anyways.
When I returned from my trip, one of the first things I heard was the BFH had moved out of my father in-laws house! Gone! Vamanos! The BAD Penny was doing it’s black magic…and quite well I might add. As of late, the BFH’s life is apparently in shambles. All I know is that my father in-law has never been more content and wonders whatever made her leave and why it wasn’t sooner.
The moral of this story is: If I EVER try to give you a penny ….don’t take it, unless of course you are willing to risk everything. Oh, and by the way this is only one incidence.
There have been others.

Maybe one day I’ll tell you what happened with “ The BAD Peso”