As close as you can get to Arcelor Mittal (Steel Mill) without actually accessing their property. The public roadway goes directly under part of the building.
One of the subcontracted companies that have been locked out of the steel mill. My brother inlaw & nephew spend a lot of time here these days and they tell me the pay sucks.
I used to live in a house years ago that backed right on to these metal giants. On a quiet night you could hear the hum of electricity travelling along the wires....
I sometimes wonder what my life would be like now if I stayed in Cancun back in 1992 and not moved back to Canada. I probably wouldn't know as much about computers or photography. Not that I really know a lot about either..... but I do have my BS degree in both (BS stands for 8ull$#!t BTW for my blond friends). I bet my Spanish would be much better though!