Monday, November 10, 2008

Cats rule....Dogs drool....

My favorite furry friend is the cat, if you haven't guessed by now. Now don't get me wrong I like dogs as well, just other peoples' dogs. I do prefer the smaller breeds to some of the monster mutts out there. Our next door neighbor has a lovely chocolate lab named Max. He is a total sweety but puts on a great front to strangers. Max has one of those barks that makes your chest rattle, combined with his fur standing up along his back makes all 130 lbs of him quite intimidating. For those of us living nearby and having witnessed the other neighbors 4lb toy poodle chase Max home with his tail between his legs, we know different. As for skunks he has had a hate on or two with them this summer.
With the eventual adoption of a cat or two to our household I had some concerns for their safety should they come in contact with burly Max. Well I come to find out that he is terrified of felines! The head for the hills kind of terror.

.....So I wonder if Max thinks that 4 lb Princess Laya is actually some sort of cat and not a dog at all? He does know there is a big smelly difference between a skunk and a cat.


Anonymous said...

HAHA! I like the big mutts myself. And I like them when they are softies, and are scared of cats, but can scare off the bad guys.

My last dog, Jasmin, saved my car from being stolen from my own driveway by being big and black and scary. The dumb would-be thief had no idea that she didn't even know HOW to bite him!

So when do you get your kits? I've got two little kits here that need homes, but I'm sure they are shedders that you would be allergic too.

Cdn Cat said...

So far the animal shelter has only placed 10 of the 52 rescued Bengals. I'm still waiting for my interview! They have a quarentine on at the shelter because of a feline virus outbreak. Everything is on hold till they get the ok to lift the quarentine.