Sunday, October 5, 2008

End of summer Blues

Summer is gone.
The leaves are starting to turn and there is a distinct chill in the air. I find myself thinking more often than not about retirement. Who says you have to be a specific age to retire. I somehow think I might actually miss my job if and when I do the “Freedom 55” thing. My older brother turns 55 today and when I commented on “Freedom 55” he started to laugh and said ‘I wish! It’s more like Freedom 85 at the rate I’m going.’ I’m going to start rambling any second now…if I could just win the lottery, I’d help a few people with early retirement. I would have to plan carefully though, on my favourite beach in Xpu-Ha Mexico. I could go tomorrow no second thoughts…If I could just win the lottery…..

The neighbourhood cat has started hanging around our place again. Now that most of the landscape project in done , I guess she has forgiven us for the mess.
The other day she surprised me. She wandered into the backyard so I went to check on her as we were closing the pool and I didn’t want her falling in or anything. Not that a cat would allow such a thing to happen with the fear of water and all that cat’s seem to be born with. There she was peeking over the edge!
A few minutes later to my surprise she came out of the yard on a mission with a big fat mouse in her mouth and headed home with her gift. My neighbour was busy finishing a piece of furniture in the garage so she didn’t notice the mouse till it was dropped at her feet. When the shriek came out I realised that the mouse was still very much alive and running around Mary’s feet with the cat in hot pursuit. She chased that poor rodent up and down the street for a couple of hours and then finally had a rest in the late afternoon sun.

At least that will be one less mouse in my house come winter……

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